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News & Analysis
News & Analysis > All
News and analysis (all) from Proletarian Internationalist Notes—news, reviews and analysis from a Maoist global perspective
- 2017-06-18: News> Baseball shooting raises questions about violence, and opposing fascism and war in the United States
- 2017-06-13: News> Qatar hubbub raises question of fake opposition to Israel
- 2017-06-10: News> Reality Winner: Russia leaks raise issue of Pentagon-related corruption
- 2017-06-06: News> Soviet honeypot, double agent Jared Kushner facilitated American-Arab alliance that Russia opposes
- 2017-05-27: News> Trump tries to bribe Americans with "jobs" to support war on Iran
- 2017-05-16: News> Jobs or World War III: U.S. isolationists raise questions of trade-offs in foreign policy and economic policy
- 2017-05-11: News> Gender/sexual equality rhetoric, conservative reaction to Colbert monologue illustrate change in U.S. political dynamics
- 2017-05-10: News> Former leader of Melkite Catholics starts hunger strike to support Palestinian prisoners after Pope Francis accepts resignation
- 2017-05-05: News> Criticism of Trump as an unaccomplished president is leading to war
- 2017-04-27: News> Marwan Barghouti's health deteriorating
- 2017-04-24: News> "Science" marches fail to oppose environmentally destructive wars on Earth Day
- 2017-04-20: News> American stooges put Palestinian prisoner hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti in solitary confinement
- 2017-04-17: News> China-Palestine relations appear to strengthen further in the midst of U.S. attacks in Syria and Afghanistan
- 2017-04-15: News> White nationalist Pat Buchanan is more anti-war than U.S. liberals and so-called leftists, because of Obama
- 2017-04-11: News> Americans use the travel ban issue to support war
- 2017-04-09: News> Liberal Democrats are complicit in the Syria strike
- 2017-03-29: News> Obamacare, huge Pentagon budget remain: Nice going, DemoKKKrats
- 2017-03-25: News> China, government leaders continue to reject Greater Israel one-state solution
- 2017-03-23: News> Delusional Westerners talk about ideal one-state solution while I$raelis talk settlement construction and West Bank annexation
- 2017-03-20: News> There is still no massive U.S. anti-war movement, thanks to Democrats
- 2017-03-17: News> Annexation fraudulently sold as revived one-state solution
- 2017-03-06: News> Obama-Trump impact: American opposition to two-state solution has led to one-state delusion
- 2017-03-02: News> I$rael: the United States is still the #1 enemy, not "pro-Jewish" influence
- 2017-02-26: News> Wages versus retirement income: U.S. "left-wing" priorities lead to nationalism and war
- 2017-02-20: News> American anti-Russian struggle today is reactionary, period
- 2017-02-17: News> The academic USA boycott is relevant to opposing colonialism and supporting Chican@ and New Afrikan nationalism
- 2017-02-15: News> America academic boycott: "Left-wing" anti-boycott arguments influenced by patriotism
- 2017-02-12: News> American hostility contributing to convergence of Iranian and Saudi interests
- 2017-02-10: News> America boycott movement growing in spite of Democrats' pro-AmeriKKKan disagreement with Trump
- 2017-02-02: News> Oppose the United Snakes: Most ordinary Americans support the Muslim ban
- 2017-01-31: News> Mexico City Policy: U.S. involvement in global family planning holding back abortion rights advancement
- 2017-01-26: News> Women's March lacked strong anti-war message
- 2017-01-22: News> The global anti-American economic struggle: Iran and China address trade and investment obstacles
- 2017-01-19: News> The American-Palestinian conflict: Obama interferes in Paris again
- 2017-01-17: News> The AmeriKKKan-Palestinian conflict: Middle East looking to Vatican for influence
- 2017-01-16: News> Many anti-Trump Amerikans ignore the real foreign policy legacy of Obama as MLK Jr. Day and inauguration near
- 2017-01-12: News> The American-Palestinian conflict: Paris conference approaches as various clocks tick down to heightened crisis
- 2017-01-08: News> U.S. economic outlook improves; structural basis of crisis continues to develop
- 2016-12-31: News> Obama uses UN abstention to bolster reputation while the longstanding American-Palestinian conflict comes into focus for some
- 2016-12-28: News> AmeriKKKa is still the dominant power in the world and needs to be opposed as such
- 2016-12-21: News> December PSR poll shows a vast majority of Palestinians don't believe in Obama
- 2016-12-16: News> Same old real news: Obama does nothing for the two-state solution
- 2016-12-09: News> Fatah congress gives Marwan Barghouti a boost
- 2016-12-03: News> Yemen war: Amerikan "blackmailing" of Saudi Arabia discussed in Iranian media
- 2016-12-01: News> Anti-Amerikan symbol Fidel Castro passes away
- 2016-11-21: News> Climate for anti-Americanism versus anti-fascism: Only 2% of Americans named the environment as most important issue, right before election
- 2016-11-15: News> Iranian-Palestinian relations develop in the midst of unexpected U.S. election result
- 2016-11-10: News> Washington Post discovers that "fascist" Trump appeals to liberal Democrats
- 2016-11-10: News> Gender and why Democrats are going "fascist"
- 2016-11-09: News> AmeriKKKa unmasked: Trump in sight of victory
- 2016-11-09: News> AmeriKKKa elects its next war criminal in chief
- 2016-11-07: News> Palestine: Clinton election non-bombshells and real news
- 2016-11-01: News> Iran signals its support for the two-state solution and Palestinian diplomacy
- 2016-10-27: News> Some others clueless while Palestinians continue to support diplomatic and political efforts
- 2016-10-21: News> Oppose the United Snakes, truly unite for Palestine
- 2016-10-18: News> NPR joins JPost in using the youth question to undermine the struggle to free Palestinian "Mandela" Marwan Barghouti
- 2016-10-15: News> New JMCC poll shows pluralities of Palestinian youth prefer Marwan Barghouti and the two-state solution; PSR poll shows unfavorable Palestinian views of the United $tates
- 2016-10-12: News> Free Marwan Barghouti, oppose the United $nakes
- 2016-10-09: News> Waiting and impatience: Palestine, WikiLeaks release timing, and persistent belief in change in AmeriKKKa
- 2016-10-05: News> Dakota Access Pipeline and anti-Saudi 9/11 lawsuit bill both reveal limitations of class struggle in the United Snakes
- 2016-10-01: News> Full transcript: Standing Rock Sioux nation address to the UN Human Rights Council
- 2016-09-29: News> Sending the right signal: Abbas, BDS, and diplomacy
- 2016-09-23: News> Decay in anti-Americanism is to blame for bad Iranian-Saudi relations and disorientation in anti-Israel struggle
- 2016-09-15: News> Bias caused by American influence is undermining Palestinian national liberation
- 2016-09-10: News> Americans continue to undermine peace as 9/11 anniversary approaches
- 2016-09-08: News> U.S. favorability needs to go lower: Kaepernick, nationhood, and rethinking the intersection of New Afrikan and Palestinian struggles
- 2016-09-05: News> U.S. image and leader favorability in surveys: some underlying economic realities
- 2016-08-26: News> Beyond language: more anti-Americanism needed on Palestine
- 2016-08-17: News> Economic slowdown and productivity: where class struggle meets crisis
- 2016-08-11: News> Americanism and anti-Americanism in conflict: understanding public opinion on Palestine
- 2016-08-04: News> Economic relations in a low-growth world: potential convergence of Iranian and Saudi interests, divergence from Americans'
- 2016-07-30: News> Quartet report: one-state reality versus one-state fantasy
- 2016-07-27: News> Two states on Palestinian turf: soccer games and economic-political realities
- 2016-07-23: News> Palestine: economic ignorance underpinning preference for the one-state solution
- 2016-07-15: News> Boycott the United Snakes: Amerika standing in the way of the two-state solution
- 2016-07-13: News> Amerikan privilege and illusions of Amerikan leadership on national oppression: what Black Lives Matter really has to do with Palestine
- 2016-07-10: News> Iran calls for Islamic unity in the midst of attacks
- 2016-07-02: News> Brexit may have consequences in the Israeli-Palestinian issue and currency-related international wealth transfers
- 2016-06-28: News> The Yemen war and how not to criticize Saudi Arabia
- 2016-06-11: News> Western propaganda against Saudi Arabia is potentially disruptive to various peace initiatives, not just the Saudi government's
- 2016-06-07: News> Muslim world citizen Muhammad Ali passes away
- 2016-06-02: News> U.S. Democrats, Greens keep things simmering with Saudi Arabia
- 2016-05-30: News> Apology not accepted: U.$. out of Asia
- 2016-05-21: News> Changes make JASTA a tool the U.S. State Department can use against Arab, Muslim and oil-exporting countries
- 2016-05-15: News> Caitlyn Jenner and being an asexual female in the West: Is religion the problem, or Freudian and Christian culture?
- 2016-05-13: News> Amerikan-Saudi differences: The united $tates gets money for nothing while Saudi Arabia has to sell part of Aramco back to the Amerikans
- 2016-05-09: News> Ex-CIA chief's "mysterious" illness: Western media play dumb on psychology to warmonger against Pakistan
- 2016-05-07: News> Dear Mormons: It is time to let AmeriKKKa go once and for all
- 2016-05-04: News> Third World "raping" Amerikans: Donald Trump's ignorant remark is a product of the Western so-called Left
- 2016-04-28: News> The exceptional trauma of Amerikans: Western inconsistency on psychiatry is a source of difficulty for Iran and Saudi Arabia
- 2016-04-24: News> Saudi Arabia: Obama deals with the consequences of Democrats' warmongering
- 2016-04-22: News> Attention Amerikans: Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have the same chance of winning as Kasich and Sanders
- 2016-04-13: News> Panama Papers shock: non-Amerikan elites need bank accounts, too
- 2016-04-06: News> Comrade Trump is ruining Amerika's image globally
- 2016-04-03: News> Are anti-Amerikans patriots? "Low information," CIA influence, and the paradox of Amerikans' knowledge, fascism and patriotism
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- 2017-06-18: News> Baseball shooting raises questions about violence, and opposing fascism and war in the United States
- 2017-06-13: News> Qatar hubbub raises question of fake opposition to Israel
- 2017-06-10: News> Reality Winner: Russia leaks raise issue of Pentagon-related corruption
- 2017-06-06: News> Soviet honeypot, double agent Jared Kushner facilitated American-Arab alliance that Russia opposes
- 2017-05-27: News> Trump tries to bribe Americans with "jobs" to support war on Iran
- 2017-05-16: News> Jobs or World War III: U.S. isolationists raise questions of trade-offs in foreign policy and economic policy
- 2017-05-11: News> Gender/sexual equality rhetoric, conservative reaction to Colbert monologue illustrate change in U.S. political dynamics
- 2017-05-10: News> Former leader of Melkite Catholics starts hunger strike to support Palestinian prisoners after Pope Francis accepts resignation
- 2017-05-05: News> Criticism of Trump as an unaccomplished president is leading to war
- 2017-04-27: News> Marwan Barghouti's health deteriorating
- 2017-04-24: News> "Science" marches fail to oppose environmentally destructive wars on Earth Day
- 2017-04-20: News> American stooges put Palestinian prisoner hunger strike leader Marwan Barghouti in solitary confinement
- 2017-04-17: News> China-Palestine relations appear to strengthen further in the midst of U.S. attacks in Syria and Afghanistan
- 2017-04-15: News> White nationalist Pat Buchanan is more anti-war than U.S. liberals and so-called leftists, because of Obama
- 2017-04-11: News> Americans use the travel ban issue to support war
- 2017-04-09: News> Liberal Democrats are complicit in the Syria strike
- 2017-03-29: News> Obamacare, huge Pentagon budget remain: Nice going, DemoKKKrats
- 2017-03-25: News> China, government leaders continue to reject Greater Israel one-state solution
- 2017-03-23: News> Delusional Westerners talk about ideal one-state solution while I$raelis talk settlement construction and West Bank annexation
- 2017-03-20: News> There is still no massive U.S. anti-war movement, thanks to Democrats
- 2017-03-17: News> Annexation fraudulently sold as revived one-state solution
- 2017-03-06: News> Obama-Trump impact: American opposition to two-state solution has led to one-state delusion
- 2017-03-02: News> I$rael: the United States is still the #1 enemy, not "pro-Jewish" influence
- 2017-02-26: News> Wages versus retirement income: U.S. "left-wing" priorities lead to nationalism and war
- 2017-02-20: News> American anti-Russian struggle today is reactionary, period
- 2017-02-17: News> The academic USA boycott is relevant to opposing colonialism and supporting Chican@ and New Afrikan nationalism
- 2017-02-15: News> America academic boycott: "Left-wing" anti-boycott arguments influenced by patriotism
- 2017-02-12: News> American hostility contributing to convergence of Iranian and Saudi interests
- 2017-02-10: News> America boycott movement growing in spite of Democrats' pro-AmeriKKKan disagreement with Trump
- 2017-02-02: News> Oppose the United Snakes: Most ordinary Americans support the Muslim ban
- 2017-01-31: News> Mexico City Policy: U.S. involvement in global family planning holding back abortion rights advancement
- 2017-01-26: News> Women's March lacked strong anti-war message
- 2017-01-22: News> The global anti-American economic struggle: Iran and China address trade and investment obstacles
- 2017-01-19: News> The American-Palestinian conflict: Obama interferes in Paris again
- 2017-01-17: News> The AmeriKKKan-Palestinian conflict: Middle East looking to Vatican for influence
- 2017-01-16: News> Many anti-Trump Amerikans ignore the real foreign policy legacy of Obama as MLK Jr. Day and inauguration near
- 2017-01-12: News> The American-Palestinian conflict: Paris conference approaches as various clocks tick down to heightened crisis
- 2017-01-08: News> U.S. economic outlook improves; structural basis of crisis continues to develop
- 2016-12-31: News> Obama uses UN abstention to bolster reputation while the longstanding American-Palestinian conflict comes into focus for some
- 2016-12-28: News> AmeriKKKa is still the dominant power in the world and needs to be opposed as such
- 2016-12-21: News> December PSR poll shows a vast majority of Palestinians don't believe in Obama
- 2016-12-16: News> Same old real news: Obama does nothing for the two-state solution
- 2016-12-09: News> Fatah congress gives Marwan Barghouti a boost
- 2016-12-03: News> Yemen war: Amerikan "blackmailing" of Saudi Arabia discussed in Iranian media
- 2016-12-01: News> Anti-Amerikan symbol Fidel Castro passes away
- 2016-11-21: News> Climate for anti-Americanism versus anti-fascism: Only 2% of Americans named the environment as most important issue, right before election
- 2016-11-15: News> Iranian-Palestinian relations develop in the midst of unexpected U.S. election result
- 2016-11-10: News> Washington Post discovers that "fascist" Trump appeals to liberal Democrats
- 2016-11-10: News> Gender and why Democrats are going "fascist"
- 2016-11-09: News> AmeriKKKa unmasked: Trump in sight of victory
- 2016-11-09: News> AmeriKKKa elects its next war criminal in chief
- 2016-11-07: News> Palestine: Clinton election non-bombshells and real news
- 2016-11-01: News> Iran signals its support for the two-state solution and Palestinian diplomacy
- 2016-10-27: News> Some others clueless while Palestinians continue to support diplomatic and political efforts
- 2016-10-21: News> Oppose the United Snakes, truly unite for Palestine
- 2016-10-18: News> NPR joins JPost in using the youth question to undermine the struggle to free Palestinian "Mandela" Marwan Barghouti
- 2016-10-15: News> New JMCC poll shows pluralities of Palestinian youth prefer Marwan Barghouti and the two-state solution; PSR poll shows unfavorable Palestinian views of the United $tates
- 2016-10-12: News> Free Marwan Barghouti, oppose the United $nakes
- 2016-10-09: News> Waiting and impatience: Palestine, WikiLeaks release timing, and persistent belief in change in AmeriKKKa
- 2016-10-05: News> Dakota Access Pipeline and anti-Saudi 9/11 lawsuit bill both reveal limitations of class struggle in the United Snakes
- 2016-10-01: News> Full transcript: Standing Rock Sioux nation address to the UN Human Rights Council
- 2016-09-29: News> Sending the right signal: Abbas, BDS, and diplomacy
- 2016-09-23: News> Decay in anti-Americanism is to blame for bad Iranian-Saudi relations and disorientation in anti-Israel struggle
- 2016-09-15: News> Bias caused by American influence is undermining Palestinian national liberation
- 2016-09-10: News> Americans continue to undermine peace as 9/11 anniversary approaches
- 2016-09-08: News> U.S. favorability needs to go lower: Kaepernick, nationhood, and rethinking the intersection of New Afrikan and Palestinian struggles
- 2016-09-05: News> U.S. image and leader favorability in surveys: some underlying economic realities
- 2016-08-26: News> Beyond language: more anti-Americanism needed on Palestine
- 2016-08-17: News> Economic slowdown and productivity: where class struggle meets crisis
- 2016-08-11: News> Americanism and anti-Americanism in conflict: understanding public opinion on Palestine
- 2016-08-04: News> Economic relations in a low-growth world: potential convergence of Iranian and Saudi interests, divergence from Americans'
- 2016-07-30: News> Quartet report: one-state reality versus one-state fantasy
- 2016-07-27: News> Two states on Palestinian turf: soccer games and economic-political realities
- 2016-07-23: News> Palestine: economic ignorance underpinning preference for the one-state solution
- 2016-07-15: News> Boycott the United Snakes: Amerika standing in the way of the two-state solution
- 2016-07-13: News> Amerikan privilege and illusions of Amerikan leadership on national oppression: what Black Lives Matter really has to do with Palestine
- 2016-07-10: News> Iran calls for Islamic unity in the midst of attacks
- 2016-07-02: News> Brexit may have consequences in the Israeli-Palestinian issue and currency-related international wealth transfers
- 2016-06-28: News> The Yemen war and how not to criticize Saudi Arabia
- 2016-06-11: News> Western propaganda against Saudi Arabia is potentially disruptive to various peace initiatives, not just the Saudi government's
- 2016-06-07: News> Muslim world citizen Muhammad Ali passes away
- 2016-06-02: News> U.S. Democrats, Greens keep things simmering with Saudi Arabia
- 2016-05-30: News> Apology not accepted: U.$. out of Asia
- 2016-05-21: News> Changes make JASTA a tool the U.S. State Department can use against Arab, Muslim and oil-exporting countries
- 2016-05-15: News> Caitlyn Jenner and being an asexual female in the West: Is religion the problem, or Freudian and Christian culture?
- 2016-05-13: News> Amerikan-Saudi differences: The united $tates gets money for nothing while Saudi Arabia has to sell part of Aramco back to the Amerikans
- 2016-05-09: News> Ex-CIA chief's "mysterious" illness: Western media play dumb on psychology to warmonger against Pakistan
- 2016-05-07: News> Dear Mormons: It is time to let AmeriKKKa go once and for all
- 2016-05-04: News> Third World "raping" Amerikans: Donald Trump's ignorant remark is a product of the Western so-called Left
- 2016-04-28: News> The exceptional trauma of Amerikans: Western inconsistency on psychiatry is a source of difficulty for Iran and Saudi Arabia
- 2016-04-24: News> Saudi Arabia: Obama deals with the consequences of Democrats' warmongering
- 2016-04-22: News> Attention Amerikans: Gary Johnson and Jill Stein have the same chance of winning as Kasich and Sanders
- 2016-04-13: News> Panama Papers shock: non-Amerikan elites need bank accounts, too
- 2016-04-06: News> Comrade Trump is ruining Amerika's image globally
- 2016-04-03: News> Are anti-Amerikans patriots? "Low information," CIA influence, and the paradox of Amerikans' knowledge, fascism and patriotism
The homepage will show when an article has been added to this page.